This edition opens with the article “Tuning in With Good Karma: The Art of Evoking the Future”. It says:
“A theosophist calmly observes the world from the point of view of its sacred potentialities. He desires the best path to all beings, which is not the most comfortable.”
Page two presents “A Realistic View of Things”. The beginning of “Thoughts Along the Road” is on page three and its subtitle says: “Silence and Contemplation Can Be Found at Any Point”.
The article “Turkish Barbarities”, by Helena P. Blavatsky, will be found on pages 5-10. This is its subtitle: “From Time to Time Fanaticism Challenges Civilization, as in the Russian-Turkish War of 1877”.
Other topics in this issue include:
* Pluto: a Struggle of Two Thousand Years;
* The Bright Side of Saturn;
* From the Chinese Wen-tzu, on the Greatest Simplicity; and
* Taoist Tradition – the Way of Heaven and Earth.
With 14 pages, the edition includes the List of New Items at the associated websites.
The entire collection of The Aquarian is available at our associated websites.
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