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Helena P. Blavatsky

Helena P. Blavatsky and William Q. Judge
A 2011 Editorial Note:
The following letter from Helena P. Blavatsky to William Q. Judge is dated August 22, 1886. It is here reproduced from the magazine “Theosophical Forum”, November 1933 edition, pp. 87-88. We thank the Campbell Theosophical Research Library, in Australia, for kindly sending us – in October 2011 – a copy of the magazine.
An introductory note to the letter, published by the editors of “Theosophical Forum”, says:
“The following is a verbatim et literatim reprint of the original now held in the official archives of the International Headquarters of the Theosophical Society, Point Loma, California, except for the three paragraphs indicated by asterisks, which deal with Mr. Judge’s intimate personal and family affairs; and out of respect for one whose private matters should not be discussed in public, this portion is omitted. No year is mentioned in the original; the probable year is 1886.”
Mohini M. Chatterjee (1858-1936) was for some time a regular disciple of one of the Mahatmas. He had several important articles published at “The Theosophist”. In cooperation with Laura C. Holloway, he wrote the book “Man: Fragments of Forgotten History”. The work was signed by them as “Two Chelas” and published in London in 1887 by Reeves and Turner.
In 1886 – the same year of the present letter – Mohini and Arthur Gebhard wrote a memorandum entitled “A Few Words on the Theosophical Organization”, criticizing H.P.B and H. S. Olcott for the precariousness of the institutional aspects of the Theosophical Society. H.P. B.’s answer to that manifesto, although written in October 3, 1886, was only published in 1924.[1] Her answer is now considered one of the most important texts of all times on the nature of the theosophical effort. It can be found under the title of “The Organization of the Theosophical Society” in books and magazines published by the Theosophy Company, or under the title of “The Original Programme of the Theosophical Society”, as published by Adyar and the T.P.H.
Mohini M. Chatterjee probably paid the price for being too young and unexperienced. He was less than 30 years old when he left the Theosophical Movement in 1887. He never became an open enemy of the movement or the founders; in 1884-85, he actively defended H.P.B. and the theosophical Cause. More data on Mohini can be seen at the volume “Damodar and the Pioneers of the Theosophical Movement”, by Sven Eek, T.P.H., Adyar, India, 1965 / 1978, pp. 638-639.
We add a few explanatory notes to the following letter by H.P.B.
(Carlos Cardoso Aveline)
[1] It was first published by C. Jinarajadasa at the June 1924 edition of “The Theosophist”, Adyar, India. See “The Theosophist”, August 1931, footnote.
Letters Between Blavatsky and Judge – 05
Helena P. Blavatsky
Ostende – Rue d’Ouest 17
Aug 22
My dear W.Q.J.
I am glad to state that Mohini was falsely accused. Old V. Bergen misunderstood him, wrote to the Countess & made a mess of it. Mohini is here with Arthur G. & all is explained. They will remain for two or three weeks with me. But on account of that disgraceful row (Mrs. W., Coun etc.), Mohini very wisely abstains from going now to America. When Arthur has arranged something he will go. I think I have arranged all. I gave to Arthur an independent charter, – I, as one of the Founders have a right to, – & Arthur will explain to you the rest. Olcott will have now to submit, or, there will be a devil of a row for him to pay; I am DETERMINED for I am not prepared to lose such fellows as Arthur. And you, you are one of the original Founders. You ARE entitled to help in such emergency as yours & I wrote so to Olcott. If he is ungrateful I will not be so. I hold to Masters’ original programme, – he is fast running the Society into a Salvation Army business, with FUND & etc. The “permanent Fund” humbug must cease. He must make a new rule as all the best Fellows want it, that only that which remains out of the yearly expenditure, after every theosophical duty has been attended to out of those sums, – should be laid aside. The bulk of it must go for the wants of Adyar and such cases as yours. Olcott will have to pay your Kali $50 monthly & have you at Adyar or – I publicly renounce my connection with the Society since MASTERS original programme is departed from, which is – brotherhood in acts & deeds, not in show of blue elephants, paraphernalia Boards of Control & flapdoodle generally. I wrote to him & put my ultimatum. I am tired of hearing him criticized, laughed at & very justly I am sorry to say.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Now a great favor for me. (1) I have lost my passport & my naturalization papers are at Adyar. I need them badly. Please go at once to the City Hall [1] & declare them I have lost my passport & must have those papers. I enclosed a letter (official). If there is anything to pay, do write at once and I will give the money to Arthur for you. If you neglect this W.Q. you will make me lose a great chance for I cannot even have the protection of my consul without my papers.
(2) Go to Bouton. [2] See what can be done. Why does he not send according to promise my June cheque, as he has promised. If the money is sent to Olcott I PROTEST. I am here, ISIS is mine I have enough lost on it let me have, at least, the little I can get. If I have to cancel the paper of attorney given by me to L.C. H. [3], draw the thing for me, send it here & I will sign it. I do not want to have her for an agent. At any rate say to Bouton that he wants to have the Secret Doctrine he has to deal directly with me not with Olcott, or any one else. I am taking a copyright myself at Washington. Please write for me a letter to the librarian at W. [4] which I will sign when the time comes. (leave the date out) Do not neglect it, The S.D. will be ready this fall in two months at least 2 volumes.[5] I must have the copyright in my own name & hands. See what it is that prevents Bouton to send me. If he wants to make arrangements with me he will have to do this, this once, better than he has done with ISIS, or I accept the offer of other people. Now answer me dear W.Q. J. & – may THEY bless you
Yours H P B
[1] In New York. H. P. Blavatsky had U.S. citizenship.
[2] J. W. Bouton, the New York editor of “Isis Unveiled”.
[3] L. C. H. – Laura C. Holloway, whose actions as HPB’s representative are discussed in “Letters Between Blavatsky and Judge – 4”.
[4] at W. – id est, at Washington.
[5] H.P.B.’s direct involvement with the theosophical movement in Europe would make it necessary to delay the publication of “The Secret Doctrine” for two years more. The book appeared in 1888.
On the role of the esoteric movement in the ethical awakening of mankind during the 21st century, see the book “The Fire and Light of Theosophical Literature”, by Carlos Cardoso Aveline.

Published in 2013 by The Aquarian Theosophist, the volume has 255 pages and can be obtained through Amazon Books.