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TRUTH Social (English)
Planetary Change and The Civilization of the Future
162 Textos
A Brazilian Hero in Russia -
Carlos Cardoso Aveline
A Few Words on Uranus -
Carlos Cardoso Aveline
A Global Karmic Fever -
Carlos Cardoso Aveline
A Lever to Move the World -
Carlos Cardoso Aveline
A Lunatic Race? -
Radha Burnier
A Prayer to Defend My Soul -
Carlos Cardoso Aveline
A Prophecy on Judaism and Christianity -
Carlos Cardoso Aveline
A Psychoanalysis of Religions -
Carlos Cardoso Aveline
A Puranic Prophecy -
Helena P. Blavatsky
Abandoning the Gospel of Money -
Carlos Cardoso Aveline
Abandoning the Sociological Delusion -
Carlos Cardoso Aveline
Al Gore on the Amazon Region -
Al Gore
Al Gore, Theosophy and the Cycle -
Carlos Cardoso Aveline
Alexandre Dumas and Social Conflicts -
Carlos Cardoso Aveline
An Address on World Peace -
John F. Kennedy
An Improvement of the Heart -
Carlos Cardoso Aveline
An Old Celtic Legend of Atlantis -
Carlos Cardoso Aveline
Authentic Intelligence is Better than Artificial Intelligence -
Carlos Cardoso Aveline
Awakening from the Opium Wars -
Carlos Cardoso Aveline
Ben Sira, Confucius, and the Future -
Carlos Cardoso Aveline
Berdyaev, On the Social Use of Falsehood -
Carlos Cardoso Aveline
Blavatsky on Communism, Socialism -
Carlos Cardoso Aveline
Brazil on Nuclear Proliferation -
Michel Temer
Brazil, India and the Future of Civilization -
Maurício Andrés Ribeiro
Challenge and Optimism in Israel -
Carlos Cardoso Aveline
Change in the Poles of Our Planet -
Carlos Cardoso Aveline
China and the Implosion of the West -
Carlos Cardoso Aveline
Churchill Challenges Public Opinion -
Carlos Cardoso Aveline
Climate Change in Ancient Times -
Helena P. Blavatsky
Complexity and Collapse -
Niall Ferguson
Dalai Lama Worked With the CIA -
Carlos Cardoso Aveline
Direful Prophecies -
William Q. Judge
Disaster, a Boon and a Blessing to Man -
A.J.H. van Leeuwen
Divine Ethics -
B. P. Wadia
Doing What Depends on Us -
Carlos Cardoso Aveline
Donald Trump as a Mirror -
Carlos Cardoso Aveline
Dwight Eisenhower, On Peace -
Ken Keyes Jr.
Each Citizen Is an Emperor, In Modern Democracy -
Carlos Cardoso Aveline
Effects of Overindulgence in Sensuality -
Pitirim A. Sorokin
Efficiency in the Art of Living -
Carlos Cardoso Aveline
Einstein’s Theory of Happiness -
Carlos Cardoso Aveline
Eisenhower Denounces Military-Industrial Complex -
Carlos Cardoso Aveline
Escalation Toward a Nuclear War -
James Rickards
Europe and World Federation -
Carlos Cardoso Aveline
Family and the Sources of Life -
Carlos Cardoso Aveline
Freud on Freedom From Delusion -
Carlos Cardoso Aveline
From the Proverbs of Solomon -
Carlos Cardoso Aveline
Getting Rid of Rousseau’s Delusion -
Carlos Cardoso Aveline
Give Your Higher Self a Chance -
Donald J. Trump
God and War in the Middle East -
Carlos Cardoso Aveline
Hitler’s Science, and Science Today -
Carlos Cardoso Aveline
How Theosophy Defeats Racism -
Carlos Cardoso Aveline
How Theosophy Transcends Tribalism -
Carlos Cardoso Aveline
How We Fabricate Scapegoats -
Carlos Cardoso Aveline
Human Ethics and Earthquakes -
Damodar K. Mavalankar
Humanity Defeats Nazism -
Carlos Cardoso Aveline
Humanity Is In The Making -
S. Radhakrishnan
Humans Are Brothers of the Trees -
Carlos Cardoso Aveline
If There Is a Problem With Our Civilization -
Carlos Cardoso Aveline
Il’in, the Anticommunist Who Was Saved by Lenin -
Carlos Cardoso Aveline
Is It Possible to Teach Honesty? -
Carlos Cardoso Aveline
Israel and the Law of Cycles -
Carlos Cardoso Aveline
Israel as a Utopia -
Carlos Cardoso Aveline
Israel, the Old New Land -
Carlos Cardoso Aveline
Israel: Besides Defeating Terror -
Carlos Cardoso Aveline
James Rickards and the Economy of Ethics -
Carlos Cardoso Aveline
Jerusalem Is Israel’s Capital -
Donald J. Trump
Jerusalem, the Capital of Israel -
Carlos Cardoso Aveline
Kahlil Gibran on the Middle East -
Carlos Cardoso Aveline
Keeping a Nation Together -
Carlos Cardoso Aveline
Kohlberg and the Stages of Moral Development -
Carlos Cardoso Aveline
Lessons of Kindness and Goodwill -
Carlos Cardoso Aveline
Loyalty and Courage Lead to Victory -
Carlos Cardoso Aveline
Making Our Countries Great Again -
Carlos Cardoso Aveline
Man and Society in Calamity -
Pitirim A. Sorokin
Man Is Not a Thing -
Erich Fromm
Meditating on Peace in the Middle East -
Carlos Cardoso Aveline
Meditation on the Awakening of Mankind -
Carlos Cardoso Aveline
Meditation on the Awakening of the United States -
Carlos Cardoso Aveline
Moral Determination and Commitment -
Eiji Uehiro
Moshe Cordovero and Social Activism -
Carlos Cardoso Aveline
Nationalism and Internationalism -
The Theosophical Movement
New Year Greetings from Blavatsky -
Carlos Cardoso Aveline
No More Hiroshimas and Nagasakis -
Carlos Cardoso Aveline
Non-violent Economy -
The Theosophical Movement
Occult Roots of Religious Violence -
Carlos Cardoso Aveline
Of Globalism and Brotherhood -
Carlos Cardoso Aveline
Of Seeing and Making the Future -
Carlos Cardoso Aveline
Old Prophecies and Atomic War -
Carlos Cardoso Aveline
On Loving One’s Country -
Carlos Cardoso Aveline
On the Law of Cycles -
Helena P. Blavatsky
Our Duties to the Planet -
Carlos Cardoso Aveline
Pluto: A Struggle of Two Thousand Years -
Carlos Cardoso Aveline
Political Left, Ethics and Brotherhood -
Carlos Cardoso Aveline
Positive Thought in a Negative World -
The Theosophical Movement
Preparing the Omega Point -
Carlos Cardoso Aveline
Progress in the Art of Massacre -
Visconde de Figanière
Russia, Wisdom and World Peace -
Carlos Cardoso Aveline
Stopping Filicide, Respecting Children -
Carlos Cardoso Aveline
Stopping the Process of Interruption -
Carlos Cardoso Aveline
Temple Mount as a Source of Peace -
Carlos Cardoso Aveline
That Man Might Arise -
Andrew Rooke
The 2019 Coronavirus and Universal Brotherhood -
Steven H. Levy
The Action That is Necessary -
Al Gore
The American Sex Revolution -
Pitirim A. Sorokin
The Andes and the Future -
Carlos Cardoso Aveline
The Arab Wisdom in Israel -
Carlos Cardoso Aveline
The Art of Becoming a Lamp -
Carlos Cardoso Aveline
The Art of Evoking the Future -
Carlos Cardoso Aveline
The Arusha Declaration -
Julius K. Nyerere and the TANU
The Battle of Truth -
Carlos Cardoso Aveline (Ed.)
The Birth of the Future -
Carlos Cardoso Aveline
The Bright Side of Saturn -
Carlos Cardoso Aveline
The Causes of Glaciation -
John Garrigues
The Causes of War, and of Peace -
Carlos Cardoso Aveline
The Coming of the New Cycle -
Carlos Cardoso Aveline
The Cycles of Our Mankind -
Carlos Cardoso Aveline
The Emergence of Responsibility -
Carlos Cardoso Aveline
The Ethos of Global Citizenship -
Carlos Cardoso Aveline
The Family of a Theosophist -
Carlos Cardoso Aveline
The First Step in Healing -
Carlos Cardoso Aveline
The Fourfold Placenta -
Carlos Cardoso Aveline
The Iberian or Integrative View of Life -
Carlos Cardoso Aveline
The Independent Lodge on TRUTH Social -
Carlos Cardoso Aveline
The Island of Truth -
George P. McCallum
The Islands of the Mind-Readers -
Edward Bellamy
The Karma of Literature and the Media -
Carlos Cardoso Aveline
The Meaning of a Pandemic -
Steven H. Levy
The Morality of Present Civilization -
The Theosophical Movement
The Mufti of Jerusalem Talks to Hitler -
The Times of Israel (Ed.)
The Mystery of Karma -
Carlos Cardoso Aveline
The Occult Task Ahead -
Carlos Cardoso Aveline
The Philosophical Value of Democracy -
Carlos Cardoso Aveline
The Philosophy of Love for Life -
Carlos Cardoso Aveline
The Policy of the Heart -
Carlos Cardoso Aveline
The Politics of Hysteria -
Carlos Cardoso Aveline
The Power of Life -
Carlos Cardoso Aveline
The Real War and How to Win It -
Carlos Cardoso Aveline
The Religion of the Future -
Helena P. Blavatsky
The Right View of Life -
Carlos Cardoso Aveline
The Roots of Lucidity and Pain -
Carlos Cardoso Aveline
The Scandinavian Destiny -
Jorge Luis Borges
The Secret Lesson of ‘Tomorrowland’ -
Carlos Cardoso Aveline
The Shock Doctrine -
James Rickards
The Silent Rebirth of Ethics -
Carlos Cardoso Aveline
The Spiritual Side of BRICS -
Carlos Cardoso Aveline
The Theosophical Movement, 1875-2075 -
Carlos Cardoso Aveline
The Tree of Universal Brotherhood -
Helena P. Blavatsky
The Universality of Temple Mount -
Carlos Cardoso Aveline
The World War in Our Minds -
Carlos Cardoso Aveline
Theosophy and the Middle East -
Carlos Cardoso Aveline
Theosophy and the Pralaya of the West -
Carlos Cardoso Aveline
Towards a Wise Mind and a Noble Society -
Radha Burnier
Turning a Defeat into Victory -
Donald J. Trump
Two Karmic Fields in the Planetary Transition -
Carlos Cardoso Aveline
Vinoba and the Power of Good Will -
Carlos Cardoso Aveline
Visualizing the Future of Mankind -
Carlos Cardoso Aveline
Wanted: A Rebirth of Ethics -
Boris de Zirkoff
What the Media Do Not Say, and Why -
Carlos Cardoso Aveline
Why Democracy? -
The Theosophical Movement
Why Donald J. Trump? -
Carlos Cardoso Aveline
Why War? -
Albert Einstein and Sigmund Freud