The Meeting Point Between Ethics,
Psychology and Esoteric Philosophy
Carlos Cardoso Aveline

Carl G. Jung, Sigmund Freud and Helena P. Blavatsky
1. The So-Called “Unconscious” Does Not Exist
Carl Gustav Jung writes about the “unconscious” and the “collective unconscious”. What does the esoteric philosophy say about that?
It’s simple: precisely because universal consciousness is universal, it has no limits and could not have them. Therefore there is nothing unconscious in the universe, although there are “subconscious” and “supraconscious” levels of consciousness.
“A Report on Jung and Theosophy” was published in the associated websites on 23 August 2021. It consists of a translation, made by the author, of his Portuguese language text “Informe Sobre Jung e a Teosofia”.
Read more:
See in the associated websites the two-volume compilation “The Hermetic and Alchemical Writings of Paracelsus”: Volume I and Volume II.

Helena Blavatsky (photo) wrote these words: “Deserve, then desire”.